John Lowe Butler III < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his son John Lowe Butler III as well. The full biography of his sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on John Lowe Butler III especially because he and Caroline’s husband were best friends and married each other’s sister, and thus their lives became very intertwined. These two books are the most comprehensive published histories relating to John. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information.
The following histories on John Lowe Butler III are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: John Lowe Butler III and Bertha Malvina Thurber Butler (48 pages) – This autobiographical account of John and his wife Bertha was begun in 1936. Although Bertha is the actual writer, she was taking dictation from John as they jointly recorded various aspects of his early life. Bertha continued this joint autobiography/biography after John’s death in 1937. Any of their descendents or any descendents of John Lowe Butler II for that matter, will want a copy of this very important record. This document was digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton in 2010.
Author: John & Bertha Butler’s Children (40 pages) – Even though both John and Bertha had passed away various of their children recorded their memories of their parents in honor of the 50th anniversary (November 15, 1949) of their marriage. This document contains perhaps the most information available in a single source regarding the John Lowe Butler III family from the perspective of his children.
Author: Bertha Malvina Thurber Butler (6 pages) – In this document John’s wife Bertha records various Christmas memories and stories relating to the John Lowe Butler III family.
Author: Bertha Malvina Thurber Butler (1 page) – In this handwritten journal page, Bertha records the circumstances surrounding the death of her husband John Lowe Butler III in July of 1937.
Author: Grant Butler (5 pages) – Memories of John Lowe Butler III as recorded by his son Grant.
Author: John Lowe Butler III (1 page) – Original image of the back of an envelope containing a letter from John’s son Ross in 1936 or 37, in which John Lowe Butler III wrote his feelings about tobacco use.
Author: Dwain Butler (4 pages) – John’s nephew Dwain Butler records information relating to the substantial role John Lowe Butler III played in the founding of Manard, Idaho and the settlement of the Camas Prairie.
Author: Glen L. Butler (3 pages) – Memories of John Lowe Butler III as recorded by his son Glen.
Author: Bertha Malvina Thurber Butler (2 pages) – Information relating to John’s brief business of selling “Iceless Refrigerators” in 1913 and a critical injury he suffered during that same year.
Author: Joshua Albert Thurber (4 pages) – The image of a handwritten letter in which John’s brother-in-law Joshua Thurber records memories about and pays tribute to John Lowe Butler III.
Author: Leland Thomas Butler (2 pages) – Excerpts from a letter in which John’s brother Lee Tom records memories about and pays tribute to John Lowe Butler III.
Author: John Lowe Butler III (7 pages) – The image of a handwritten letter in John Lowe Butler III wrote to his brother K.T. from Manard, Idaho in 1909.
Author: Gladys Butler Larsen (4 pages) – Memories of John Lowe Butler III as recorded by his daughter Gladys.
Author: John Lowe Butler III (12 pages) – Excerpts of the mission journal of John Lowe Butler III while he served in the Northern States Mission in 1898 and 1899, as transcribed by his son Ross Erin Butler. Contains photos of John during his mission and images of his original mission journal.
Author: Kenion Taylor Butler (4 pages) – In this document John’s brother K.T. records memories about and pays tribute to John Lowe Butler III.
Francetty Butler Christensen < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter “Zettie” as well. The full biography of her sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Zettie. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Zettie are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Francetty Butler Christensen (36 pages) – The Life Story of Francetty Butler Christensen is an autobiographical account of her life with additional information compiled by her daughter Laurel Christensen Hansen. This work has been digitally recreated in electronic book form by Craig L. Dalton complete with color photos, images, and documents.
Author: Unknown (5 pages) – Brief historical information regarding the family of John and Francetty Christensen and their children.
Sarah Butler Richards < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter “Sadie” as well. The full biography of her sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Sadie. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Sadie are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Karl Morgan Richards as dictated to William Hartley (4 pages) – In this document Karl Richards recounts stories of his family growing up, including his mother “Sadie.” This is an excerpt taken from the oral journal of Karl Morgan Richards which was recorded as part of the oral history project at BYU in 1973 by William Hartley who was director of oral history at BYU. Karl’s oral history was printed in book form.
Author: Karl Morgan Richards (4 pages) – In this document Karl Richards recalls memories of trips he took with his family to Idaho while growing up.
Author: John Richards Pusey (2 pages) – In this document John Pusey recorded a few details about his grandfather Gomer Richards and his grandmother Sarah “Sadie” Butler Richards as told him by his mother Dorothy Richards Pusey.
Caroline Butler Thurber < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
A full 522 page biography of “Carrie” entitled The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, was published in 2010. This book written by her great-grandson Craig L. Dalton contains numerous stories relating to Caroline, her family, her siblings, and her children. A free electronic version of The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber is included on a disk accompanying each printed book. That disk also contains numerous histories, a large collection of photos, documents, and other historical images relating to the Butler family. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Carrie are included on the disk accompanying the book The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Helen Thurber Dalton (60 pages) – The History of Caroline Butler is Helen Dalton’s comprehensive history of her mother. This work has been digitally recreated in electronic book form by Helen’s grandson Craig L. Dalton. It contains numerous stories about and memories of “Carrie” by her children and others close to them, as well as excerpts from Helen’s personal journal and Caroline’s autobiography.
Author: Helen Thurber Dalton (14 pages) – In this document Helen completes the history of her mother Caroline Butler Thurber with a poignant and detailed account of the circumstances surrounding her death and funeral. Much of the information comes from Helen’s writings at the time, in particular from her personal journal. Helen’s account has been digitally recreated in electronic form by Helen’s grandson Craig L. Dalton complete with color images, documents, and photos.
Author: Caroline Butler Thurber (52 pages) – In the late 1950’s at age 78-80 Caroline wrote her autobiography in a little black notebook with the help of her daughter Helen. Helen later transcribed this autobiography including parts that were dictated orally by her mother. The version her is a digitally recreated version of that transcription created by Helen’s grandson Craig L. Dalton and includes color images of the original autobiography notebook, handwriting samples, and other documents and items of interest.
Horace Butler < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
I have virtual no histories writing specifically about Horace, if any of his descendants would like to submit one to post here it would be a welcome addition. However, many of his siblings included many, many stories about Horace in their writings. These stories are recounted in Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II, and therefore that book contains a comprehensive history of the life of his son Horace, especially during the first half of his life. The full biography of his sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Horace. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information.
Author: Unknown (1 page) – This handwritten document contains a very brief story of Horace being lost in the timber of Southern Idaho.
Dennison Lowe Butler < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his son Dennison as well. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Dennison are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Alice Marguerite Butler Kelly Curtis (2 pages) – This brief history of Dennison Lowe Butler was written by his daughter Alice Marguerite and was digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Unknown (1 page) – Image of an obituary printed in the Camas County Courier newspaper at the time of Dennison Lowe Butler’s death.
Compiler: MaryAnne Butler Ashton (1 page) – Statistical information regarding the three marriages of Dennison Lowe Butler.
Author: Unknown (1 page) – Obituary of Nancy Wardrop, Dennison Lowe Butler’s 1st wife and the mother of his daughter Alice Marguerite.
Mary Butler Anderson < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter Mary as well. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Mary are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Mary Butler Anderson (4 pages) – The autobiography of Mary Butler Anderson. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Olive Butler Smith < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter Olive as well. The full biography of her sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Olive. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Olive are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Olive Butler Smith (8 pages) – The autobiography of Olive Butler Smith as dictated to her daughter Frances Smith Christensen in September 1966. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Olive Butler Smith (1 page) – In this document Olive Butler Smith tells the story of an angry bull trapping her and her brother Horace in a sheep pen when little children. Dictated to her daughter Frances Smith Christensen about 1965. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Jane Butler Nielson < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter Jane as well. The full biography of her sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Jane. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Jane are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Jane Butler Nielson (35 pages) – The very fine autobiography of Jane Butler Nielson in which she recounts numerous stories from her childhood, youth, and later years. For an account of her married years, see the history she wrote of her husband Elmer Walter Nielson below. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Jane Butler Nielson and Helen Thurber Dalton (47 pages) – This history written by Elmer’s wife Jane with help from Jane’s niece Helen Thurber Dalton is not only a very fine biography of Elmer Nielson but also serves as an autobiography of Jane Butler Nielson during her married years. For an account of Jane’s childhood, youth, and elderly years, see the autobiography “My Life History” above. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Kenion Taylor Butler < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his son “K.T.” or “Taylor” as well. The full biography of his sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on K.T. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on K.T. are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Kenion Taylor Butler (11 pages) – The autobiography of K.T. Butler, which has a wealth of information about his family as well as that of his father’s and siblings. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Kenion Taylor Butler (7 pages) – In 1963 K.T. was asked to write some of his memories of his youngest sister Eva, who had died some time before, for the benefit of her children and posterity. In doing so K.T. created this history, which not only recounts stories about Eva, but also his other siblings, himself, and the family in general during their early childhood. Many important stories surrounding the time of John Lowe Butler II’s death, are recounted here. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Kenion Taylor Butler (3 pages) – In this 1973 Butler Family letter, K.T. tells the story of his exploratory trip with his brother John to Camas Prairie, Idaho 70 years earlier, which resulted in much of the Butler and Thurber clans moving there.
Author: Dwain Butler (2 pages) – A special and somewhat biographical poem written about K.T. Butler by his son Dwain in 1978.
Author: Thelma Butler (1 page) – A special tribute written about K.T. Butler by his wife Thelma in 1981 shortly before his death.
Author: Cleo Butler Simon (1 page) – In this email written in July 2010 by K.T.’s daughter, Cleo Butler Simon, to Craig L. Dalton, Cleo share’s a cute account of how her father came to dislike oatmeal, and how she (in a humorous way) reprimanded the nursing home staff tending K.T. for trying to feed it to him.
Ann Butler Richards < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter Ann as well. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Ann are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Naomi Richards Eller (2 pages) – Memories of Ann Butler Richards recorded by her daughter Naomi in which Ann’s spiritual nature and gifts are particularly recounted. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Ruth Richards Aldrich (1 page) – Chart of descendants for the family of Ann Butler Richards created by her daughter Ruth.
Author: Unknown (1 page) – An image of a newspaper obituary for William Adams Richards, the husband of Ann Butler Richards.
Eva Butler Dixon < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his daughter Eva as well. The full biography of her sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Eva. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Eva are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Kenion Taylor Butler (7 pages) – In 1963 K.T. was asked to write some of his memories of his youngest sister Eva, who had died some time before, for the benefit of her children and posterity. In doing so K.T. created this history, which not only recounts stories about Eva, but also his other siblings, himself, and the family in general during their early childhood. Many important stories surrounding the time of John Lowe Butler II’s death, are recounted here. Digitally recreated by Craig L. Dalton.
Author: Helen Thurber Dalton (12 pages) – An excellent biography of Eva Butler Dixon written by her niece Helen Thurber Dalton.
Author: Zola Dixon (11 pages) – An excellent biography of Bailey Allen Dixon, the husband of Eva Butler Dixon, written by his daughter-in-law Zola Dixon.
Leland Thomas Butler < John Lowe Butler II < John Lowe Butler I
Gold & Treasure, the recently published full biography of John Lowe Butler II contains a comprehensive history of the life of his son “Lee” or “Lee Tom” as well. The full biography of his sister Caroline, The Lives of Isaac Erin & Caroline Thurber, also contains much information on Lee Tom. See the “Books and CDs” tab of this website for ordering information. The following histories on Lee Tom. are included on the disk accompanying the book Gold & Treasure, but may be downloaded below as well:
Author: Leland Thomas Butler (3 pages) – A short autobiography written in June of 1985 when “Lee Tom,” as he was known by his siblings, was 88 years old.
Author: Leland Thomas Butler (4 pages) – A handwritten letter from “Lee Tom” at age 87 to his nephew Ross Butler in October of 1984.
Author: Ross Erin Butler (3 pages) – A short biography on Leland Thomas “Lee Tom” Butler written by his nephew Ross Butler after his death.
Charlotte Elizabeth Butler Wilson < James Butler < John Lowe Butler I
Author: Unknown (2 pages) – A short history of Charlotte Elizabeth Butler Wilson.